Turning Nations from Darkness to the Light

of Jesus Christ


Open Their Eyes promotes house church planting movements,

among unreached people groups and everyone, everywhere.


A New Strategy

Global church growth is lagging behind global population growth.

We need to adopt a radically different strategy if we will ever complete the Great Commission.

(Matthew 28:18-20)

Reaching the Unreached

Over 40% of the world's population are part of "unreached people groups."  An unreached people group (UPG) is less than 2% evangelical Christian.  About 25% of the world’s population live in “frontier people groups” which are less than 0.1% Christian.  Over 95% of these frontier peoples live in the 10/40 window.  Without access to the gospel, these people will be lost forever unless we intentionally send missionaries to them. 

Globally, the Church sends 30 times more missionaries to the reached parts of the world compared to UPG's!  Meanwhile, only 0.001% of global Church giving goes toward reaching UPG's!  Something is drastically wrong.

Open Their Eyes focuses on unreached people groups -- the last, the least, and the lost.

House Churches

Traditional methods of missions and evangelism rely on planting brick and mortar churches and paid factional clergy.  Unfortunately, these methods do not even keep pace with world population growth.  That means each new year we get farther away from completing the task of the great commission, not closer.  We need a different strategy.

Open Their Eyes multiplies house churches rapidly at little to no cost by meeting in houses led by unpaid disciples. 

Our strategy is also biblical: there were no factional church buildings in church history until about 300 years after Jesus' resurrection when the Church began to merge with the State under the Byzantine Emperor Constantine.

Radically Biblical

Jesus' original strategy was to reach the world through every disciple who making reproducible disciples. (Matt. 18:18-20)  Supernatural healing and casting out demons are often catalytic for a whole family or village to repent. (Luke 10:1-24)  Each new convert is challenged to immediately evangelize their family, friends, and neighbors and win them for Jesus. (2 Tim. 2:2)

The house church movements stay radically biblical by using simple discovery Bible study at the core of their church meetings.  Each week, every disciple learns to obey the Bible, share Jesus, and train others to do the same.

Genuine apostles appoint qualified elders at the city-church level to provide teaching and oversight to the entire city of disciples. (Acts 14:23; Tit. 1:5)


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